Crucial Minutiae
This work’s appearance was inspired by the shapes and forms of bacteria, parasites, and aquatic life forms. Having endured serious health issues for several years of my adult life, I intuitively and obliquely articulated my intimate relationships, past and present, with some of these organisms. These biomorphic pieces were not only inspired by nature’s repeating forms but also pulled from the depth of my subconscious. They are creatures that reflect my inner makeup and also echo the life forms that are forever repeating, mutating and evolving in the natural world.

Lux Operon 2008 Flame worked glass, blown glass, crystal rhinestones, fabric, wool, flock, copper tubing, pvc, metal and battery operated led’s. 18” x 20” x 20”

The Gorgonians (son, father, elder, mother and daughter) 2008. Blown and flame worked glass, heat set and burnt organza, Saharan and Floridian sands, felt, fabric, Swarofsky crystals, metal and magnets. Installation measures: 88” x 33” x 14”.

The Gorgonians (daughter)

The Gorgonians (mother)

The Gorgonians (elder)

The Gorgonians (father)

The Gorgonians (son)

Fungi Kingdom (Morphology of Exophiala Jenselmei) 2008 Flame worked glass, organza, flock, wool, metal and magnets. 4 feet x 8 feet x 3 inches

Fungi Kingdom (detail)

Fungi Kingdom (detail)

Depleted Anthozoa 2008. Flame worked glass, heat set and burnt organza, fabric, aquarium pebbles, wire, metal and magnets. Modular piece. Dimensions variable. Approx. 40.5” x 12” x 22”

Depleted Anthozoa (detail)

Depleted Anthozoa (detail)

Anthozoa II 2008. Flame worked glass, organza, fabrics, flock, metal magnets and aquarium pebbles. Modular piece. Dimensions variable. Approx. 31” x 11” x 22"

Anthozoa II (detail)

Anthozoa I 2006 Flame worked glass, heat-set and burnt organza, fabric, aquarium pebbles, wire, metal and magnets. 8 x 16 x 9 inches. s o l d

Unbridled Fecundity 2007 Flame worked glass, sand, wire, thread, fabric, down, magnets. 18” x 18” x 4.5”

Enomeno. 2008 Fabric, flock, wool, flame worked glass, blown glass, crystal rhinestones, reflective glass, and pvc. 19” x 28” x 28”

Ballyhoo. 2007 Fabrics, flameworked glass, wire. 18x14x14 inches. (City of Montreal's permanent collection)